In this guide, we're going to run through how to take your employee onboarding process and turn it into a mobile onboarding app
Step 1: iPhone, Android or both?
Do you want your employees to do the onboarding process on android, iphone or both? tablet or just mobile. Once you can answer this, move onto the next step
Step 2: keeping it simple
The idea of having your onboarding process on a mobile or tablet device is for speed of delivery on a platform everyone carries with them. It needs to be structured so that its simple for users to go through once they download it off the app store.
What steps would you like them to go through as part of their mobile onboarding journey?
Again, keep it simple, keep the steps they go through to a minimum. What would each step consist of? do you want to collect information from them, do you want to present some content to do them? is there an assessment to complete, a check list to go through, a document library to read? Think about the onboarding worflow that is applicable for each employee role type. Choose content types that are likely to be mobile friendly and easy to read and interactive with on a mobile phone or tablet.
Step 3: What happens when they complete the process from an app?
Issue a digital passport or certificate so that they can view it from their app, display it from their phone. You'll get a notification too that they finished.
Getting started: once the setup is done, simply invite new employees to download the app off the app store in order to register and start the onboarding process straight from their phone or tablet
New employees should be invited to download the onboarding app as soon as they get advised of their new job. Existing employees should complete the process annually.